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 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-9 22:32:12 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-9 22:35:20 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-9 22:37:12 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-9 22:48:07 | 只看该作者

回 48楼(angelababy) 的帖子

抱抱angela。医生为何说卵子很好,有没有切开不结合的卵子壁看看卵子是不是完全熟了?像你这样胎停过两次的,是应该查查免疫,有医生说混乱的免疫系统会攻击卵巢,破坏卵子的基因,造成卵子质量不好。你在新加坡,可能可以买的Dr Allen Beer出的那本书,叫Is your body baby friendly? Dr Beer是美国很出名的免疫不孕专家,在这方面搞了20多年的研究了,封闭抗体治疗就是他发明的。

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-10 03:07:19 | 只看该作者
空卵泡综合症+ }! Y+ G/ `  z: s
病人: 多囊,容易过激。促排第九天E2到8000,第9-14天停药让E2下滑,打夜针时E2是2500。取到的40个卵子中只有7个是成熟的,二代受精成了3个胚胎。为什么那么多卵子才取到7个?我明白空卵泡是因为HCG(夜针)打的剂量不够大,或是卵巢有问题。如果这个周期不成功,我需要做什么检查?
$ |  o& K- i4 O$ l' Y9 [) m. D& R
1 x0 Z# ?+ H2 `" l. ?0 B: I
4 E7 E6 j% f" \医生: 没发育或发育不良的卵子有一层很稠密的卵丘细胞粘附在卵泡的内壁。打夜针HCG是让卵子成熟,稀疏(松弛)卵丘细胞,使卵子容易被吸针吸出来。没发育好的卵子,卵丘细胞吸附力太强,HCG不足以使其从卵泡壁上脱落,所以吸卵针吸不出来。在这种情况下,可以重复冲洗卵泡或刮刮卵泡,让卵子脱落出来。所以,“空卵”并不是说卵泡里没有卵子,真正的空卵泡是不存在的。! P% {5 I4 C& ?
: m0 e3 b- d) l
Due to PCOS we coasted from CD9 to CD14 when my E2#'s rose to 8000 before triggering at E2 of 2500. Unfortunately of the 40+ follicles we were only able to get 7 mature eggs and only 3 fertilized with ICSI. Prior to ER we were under the impression that things were looking really good other than the the earlier risk of OHSS which coasting seemed to avert. What should we be looking at now that we know I made a lot of follicles but that we were not able to retrieve very many good eggs? My understanding is that so-called empty follicles are generally related to either a bad HcG trigger or an inherent problem with my ovaries. What kind of testing should I be looking into if this cycle is a bust? Thanks.
: C" e$ K( l4 M8 C" M: H( kGeoffrey Sher, MDMay 23 2007, 09:02 AM7 P# K* d+ X3 Q7 U. M2 h  j
8 X# j) Q0 X7 i8 a
Underdeveloped and mal-developed (dysmorphic) eggs often have an exceptionally dense surrounding cumulus cell cluster that tends to attach them tightly to the inner wall of the follicle. The hCG shot, which is intended to mature the egg and disperse(loosen) the cumulus cells so that the eggs will comes free upon suction and can thus be readily retrieved upon needle aspiration, often fails to cause sufficient dispersion of cumulus cells when the eggs are underdeveloped or dysmorphic. Consequently, such eggs are often so more tightly adherent to the inner follicle wall that they fail to release easily. In such cases the eggs may not be readily captured with the first attempt at follicle aspiration, requiring that such follicles be repeatedly irrigated( flushed) and or scraped to try and dislodge them. In severe cases, these fail to come free. When this happens there is a tendency to describe such follicles as being “empty” . Since this implies that such follicles did not house eggs, it is a complete misnomer. There is no such thing as “empty follicles”.7 e, |+ \3 n7 i& s8 _; D) y
5 N' Q% \# e( c" ]% r
Since most RE's can easily perform the technical aspects of ER and since better quality eggs tend to readily release with the initial attempt at aspirating the follicle it follows that failure to successfully aspirate an egg is often due to the egg being immature or dysmature. The latter is usually indicative of the egg having an abnormal numerical chromosomal make-up ( aneuploid). “Poor embryo quality is virtually synonymous with embryo aneuploidy and in >90% of such cases this is due to egg ( rather than sperm) aneuploidy.
$ F8 W; F0 r7 M( q4 D- X4 s) t6 {
Imperfection is part of the human condition. Thus a percentage of human eggs (regardless of age) will always develop abnormally (dysmorphism). Once exposed to an LH-surge or the “hCG-trigger" such eggs will have an abnormal number of chromosomes. 4 m9 i7 d6 @9 e( b4 B
' c) Z; }7 s& C4 K" q$ N
Egg dysmorphism and thus egg/embryo aneuploidy increases with age. In younger women ( <35yrs) 45%-50% of all eggs are aneuploidic, at 40yrs the incidence is about 60% at 43, approximately 80% and about 90% at age 45yrs. Fortunately, aneuploidic eggs/embryos fail to implant or miscarry early on in pregnancy. Sadly, depending upon which chromosome(s) is/are involved, developmental defects such as Down&#39;s syndrome (Trisomy 21) sometimes occurs.
8 ?: F* D8 a" Z0 O6 t# G* V3 b: J7 y; O, [, X' r: K
The unavoidable threshold risk of age-related egg dysmorphism and aneuploidy can however be seriously compounded through over-exposure of developing eggs to male hormones (predominantly-testosterone). These hormones are normally produced by the connective tissue (stroma) that surrounds the egg-bearing follicle(s). Overgrowth of the stroma occurs with advancing age (beyond 35years) and/or at any stage when ovarian reserve declines below a certain threshold (evidenced by poor response to fertility drugs, rising day 3 FSH level, falling Inhibin B levels, etc.). The eggs of such women are thus inordinately vulnerable to an over-exposure to LH-induced ovarian testosterone. In such cases, over-administration of LH-like products (hCG) or LH-containing fertility drugs (Repronex or the use of ovarian stimulation protocols such as "Flare-agonist protocols" that establish very high LH levels early on in the stimulation cycle) can be especially harmful.

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Rank: 1

发表于 2010-12-10 06:49:29 | 只看该作者

Re:回 1楼(nycresident) 的帖子

引用第3楼nycresident于2010-08-07 20:47发表的 回 1楼(nycresident) 的帖子 :
9 a# ~! D3 I1 p- a9 ]甲状腺病人问:我现在正每天服用.25mcg levothyroxine ,试管前TSH是2.94,在正常范围内,移植8天后验血TSH=4.08(正常范围0.24~4.2),我要不要增加levothyroxine的量。
: ~% r) P: B2 \$ `  m! x! B1 K7 s/ n7 x% Q$ g
8 W4 ]( ~% L  f! j) {+ ^- J7 T5 w: S) {% F
4 Y7 X3 w: ^. \2 R  p5 _
楼主,我也正在每天服用0.05mcg levothyroxine 而且是要连续用三个月。

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发表于 2010-12-10 09:04:10 | 只看该作者
, Z$ V, z+ t# v! F9 a  ^) `最近进展如何,不如也贴出来给姐妹们参考。  x* K; F8 k9 \/ ]5 T: K' D7 L
楼主也注意身体,要调节两个人的本来就难,% X& ?& P" m3 }* p4 [) F

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发表于 2010-12-10 09:28:30 | 只看该作者
nycresident , 我的贴子一直没见你回复. 原来你在这个楼里啊, 请教一下, 你说的那个Intralipid, 应当什么时候用?用多少啊?

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-10 09:53:43 | 只看该作者
这是从SIRM转来的免疫治疗篇 $ |/ f. D. r% i$ z
A)皮质类固醇 (泼尼松,泼尼松和地塞米松)
) b" m( W8 A7 [6 F类固醇已经是IVF的常规疗法。我们通常在促排前10天让病人每天吃地塞米松,一直吃到抽血验孕那天。如果确诊怀孕,还要继续吃到满12周。如果没怀孕就停吃药。
& B' E' V) ~  l* ]4 d* kB)肝素
7 \  _/ Q" D8 c) I8 a! c' P. g  g# ~大量事实表明,皮下注射肝素可以大大改善IVF活胎出生率。对APA呈阳性,NK活性没超标的病人,每天注射5000U两次。取卵那天开始暂停打肝素,直到移植时又重新开始打。血小板不正常的病人不能打。
) K$ J7 I1 S3 a! iD)静脉滴注免疫球蛋白   s. ]) `" s+ d& }/ y% n
免疫球蛋白是一种血液制品,它可以抑制激活了的NK细胞,它也可以减少CTL(激活了的T细胞)的活动力,CTL会产生TH1细胞因子,是损伤早期着床胚胎祸首。# u+ b5 |' F. W( _' |* p
免疫球蛋白可以抑制另一种白细胞-T细胞。当T细胞不适当激活时,会产生一种自身抗体,如抗磷脂抗体(APA)或抗甲状腺抗体(ATA)。5 ?. I1 X; v" l% C3 F) T8 U5 R

0 Z4 Z3 Z" q8 z : Q/ m$ D, e9 [: R4 Y
免疫球蛋白含有一种抗独特型抗体,可以直接抵疫很多自身抗体(自身抗体攻击自身的细胞)造成的损伤。. R- T) I5 ?# V
6 L) s  z2 B# l. b2 _
* T  y, `# ?  pE)脂肪乳剂Intralipi(英特利匹特)
; G* _7 s( k8 f4 ~脂肪乳剂含10%大豆油,1.2%蛋黄,2.25%甘油,对人体无害,价格也便宜。对于NK活性过高的治疗,我们从2007年底开始用长链脂肪乳剂代替免疫球蛋白,50%的病人打了长链脂肪乳剂后成功怀孕,效果不比免疫球蛋白差。用法是移植前7-14天打一瓶100ml 的 20%intralipid,14天验血怀孕时再打一瓶。 ; Z* g; y2 ?! U$ C" L% `) V) z7 d

6 T) t+ `  }+ t9 D: f8 W# g
7 h2 X1 M  B0 H7 c: E, hTHERAPEUTIC IMMUNOMODULATION 2 a$ h  @$ {' l& b. U
6 @1 K1 n0 z, e
a.    Corticosteroid Therapy (Prednisone, Prednisolone and Dexamethasone). Steroid therapy is routine in most IVF programs. Some advocates use daily oral methyl prednisolone. We prescribe oral dexamethasone commencing about ten days prior to initiating ovarian stimulation with gonadotropins, and continuing until the diagnosis of pregnancy.  In the event of a negative test (Beta HCG or ultrasound), the dosage is tapered over a period of seven to ten days, and then discontinued. Pregnant patients often continue treatment through the first trimester. Steroids are believed to act by inhibiting the cellular immune response. : V/ K# n# w9 w2 [% T* C: U

* R8 e/ N4 |- J3 ]b.   Heparin. There is compelling evidence that the subcutaneous administration of heparin (at a dosage of 5000 units twice daily to women undergoing IVF for female causes of infertility who test positive for APAs, but negative for NK activation, significantly improves IVF birth rates. Heparin administration is withheld on the day of egg retrieval until immediately following embryo transfer, whereupon it is recommenced and continued until the 8th week of pregnancy. Heparin is thought to act by repelling APAs from the surface of the trophoblast (the early "root system" of the embryo). Provided that platelet counts are normal, are checked on a regular basis, and heparin is withheld on the day of egg retrieval, its administration is virtually risk-free.
3 N' r' ~$ K: C  n3 Q. n( }5 f8 \: u7 J+ @; ]4 C. z5 I( D
c.    Low Molecular Weight Heparin (LMWH) (Lovenox, Clexane, and Fragmin). LMWH is equally as effective as heparin. It has the added advantage of having to be administered just once (rather than twice) daily and it causes less local irritation or bruising. It does cost considerably more than regular heparin, but is preferred by many patients in need of this therapy.
, N" |0 A' X0 {# C. A: _( {' S" i; b- C+ q2 D+ y5 o, i* h4 p9 e
d.   Intravenous Immunoglobulin G (IVIg). IVIg is a sterile protein preparation derived from human blood. Every effort has been made to ensure that it is free of bacterial and viral contamination. There are basically four ways in which IVIg is believed to offset or counter the anti-implantation effects associated with reproductive immunologic deficiencies. 2 A; ?: O/ E; D$ H+ a2 x6 g
+ r# h$ N7 d' _) g
First, it is a potent suppressor of activated (toxic) Natural Killer cells (NKa)-the immunologic guardians of the uterus. ! q6 d( G( J* T, L  G  H
6 W' E! F1 J% A& X
Second, IVIg reduces the activity of CTL&#39;s (activated T-cells). This is another type of immunologic cell that acts by producing TH-1 cytokines ("toxins") that can damage the early implanting conceptus. + ?5 ~, K+ N# J: z4 H/ Y! x7 c% }
& E: V- g9 T5 P9 V
Third, IVIg is believed to suppress the ability of another type of immune cell called B cells. When activated abnormally, these cells produce damaging autoantibodies such as antiphospholipid antibodies (APAs) and antithyroid antibodies (ATAs).
5 K( w* I2 f6 r( c
5 X5 F2 J: l! v8 |0 a% h1 W# K, z0 VFourth, IVIg contains anti-idiotype antibodies that directly counter many of the damaging effects of autoantibodies (antibodies that attack the body&#39;s own cells), such as APAs, thereby protecting the early "root system" of the embryo/conceptus from damage. ; ]7 n$ T/ P+ s/ N- p
- @! ^: f/ Y: ^% t1 y
IVIg has had some undeserved bad press. Since it is a blood derivative, the thought of administering it in an era where HIV is rampant, is frightening to most. However, consider the following: IVIg products available in the United States and the United Kingdom are subject to the most stringent controls and scrutiny. According to the manufacturers of IVIg, there has not been a single case of HIV viral transmission in more than two million administrations and there have only been a few isolated cases of Hepatitis C. This is not surprising, since IVIg is derived from the very same blood pool used for transfusion purposes, and since millions of units of blood have been administered in the United States over the last 7 years without any reports of HIV transmission. % F9 d8 t, u  x* D0 G" b

. T' t0 I, [/ @0 @The IVIg available in the U.S is thoroughly tested. We hold that if administered properly by qualified medical personnel, and if the appropriate precautions are taken, IVIg currently used in this country is virtually devoid of viral contamination. % N8 n- I1 U/ ?3 }# p
8 T7 B/ [# \  `# A5 h
We recommend that IVIg for increased NKa be administered 7-14 days prior to embryo/blastocyst transfer. The selective use of immunotherapy has, on numerous occasions, enabled us to achieve successful pregnancy in patients who had previously suffered repeated IVF failures (4 or more). Many such patients had previously been advised not to try again with their own eggs.  We are able to report IVF births occurring with the aid of IVIg in numerous cases where the woman had previously experienced more than ten IVF failures. I recall a case where a 42 year old woman was successful with us (using her own eggs) following 22 consecutive prior IVF failures. We believe that such results could not have been achieved without access to selective immunomodulation.
& J7 k' h6 Y% b/ J
' v  |  |# h5 @: [* G6 ?In cases of autoimmune immunologic implantation dysfunction associated with NKa+ we recommend giving 40G IVIG slowly, 7-14 days prior to embryo transfer (ET) and then repeating the dosage once more soon after a positive beta hCG result, 11 and 13 days post egg retrieval (ER).  For alloimmune implantation dysfunction, we treat with 60G of IVIG 7-14 days prior to ET. This is repeated with the positive, 2nd beta and thereupon, 60G every month or 30G given every 2 weeks until the 24th week of pregnancy. Severe side effects of IVIg treatment are rare. Patients may suffer from malaise, fever and headache. IVIg is a relatively expensive mode of treatment - the cost for one course of treatment being $3,500-$5,500, thus preventing more wide use of this preparation in IVF $ e& I5 k2 |# f: C6 R/ i
: ~' }0 O. h4 B" u- Z+ B
Indeed, some NKa+ women do conceive and then continue with healthy pregnancies, without having undergone prior immunomodulation therapy with IVIg (or intralipid). However, in our opinion, the chance of this occurring is so  significantly reduced as to justify the recommendation that such treatment be administered in all cases where a woman undergoing IVF tests positive for NKa (NKa+) and in all cases of alloimmune implantation dysfunction (regardless of her NK status). Presently, there are fewer than a half dozen highly specialized Reproductive Immunology Reference  Laboratories in the United States that are capable of measuring the necessary immunologic parameters with a sufficient degree of sensitivity and specificity to be clinically useful. We do not regard measurement of factors such as lupus anticoagulant to be of practical value in the diagnosis and management of immunologic implantation dysfunction.
+ ], {  j7 d+ c6 G. Y' F$ A" X( |5 C/ C. k
e.    Intralipid, a possible replacement for IVIG. For us at SIRM, advocating the use of IVIG over the last decade has come at a considerable price.  Clearly, women requiring IVIG have been concerned about the cost (more than $4000 per dosage), reported side effects and, given the HIV/hepatitis scare, have been reluctant to receive a blood product.  To make matters worse, under-informed critics have for unexplained reasons played on such unfounded fear often raising it to the level of alarm.  The fact is that over the years we have administered IVIG to thousands of women, without a single report of viral transmission and few significant (but always transient) side effects. + u$ g, F. c' `* N" b

1 V% }( M* g# S7 Q* V2 ^In 2006/2007, reports began to surface regarding a low cost (about 1/10 the cost of IVIG) synthetic product called Intralipid, which upon being infused more than a week prior to embryo transfer would lower NKa and furthermore, was virtually free of side effects.  Intralipid stimulates the immune system. Evidence from both animal and human studies suggest that intralipid administered intravenously may enhance implantation and maintenance of pregnancy. Intralipid is a 10% intravenous fat emulsion used routinely as a source of fat and calories for medical patients who require intravenous feeding. It is composed of 10% soybean oil, 1.2% egg yolk phospholipids, 2.25% gylcerine and water. The appeal of Intralipid lies in the fact that it is relatively inexpensive and is not a blood product. 8 p" T* }/ P5 f" |( Z* h  q0 B8 H

: [3 C! N; o# lIn late 2007, we began evaluating the effect of Intralipid in patients who had activated Natural Killer cells, and for whom IVIG therapy would otherwise be indicated. Thus far, we have treated numerous women with NKa using Intralipid 20%.  More than 50% of the patients achieved viable ongoing pregnancies, showing Intralipid therapy to be at least as effective (and perhaps even more so) than IVIG.  There were no significant side effects and patient tolerance of this treatment was high. Against this background, we at SIRM have elected to offer intralipid therapy as a low cost, safe and  effective alternative to IVIG therapy for both alloimmune and autoimmune implantation dysfunction. 100ml of solution 20% in 500cc  of normal saline solution is  infused intravenously 7-14 days prior to ET, immediately following blood diagnosis of pregnancy (beta-hCG test) and then monthly until the 20th week of pregnancy.

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发表于 2010-12-10 11:15:52 | 只看该作者
nycresident :好感谢有你这么热心的姐妹,带给我们这么多信息,使我看到了一线希望。我想请教你,我抗核抗体阳性,1.79,能不能用脂肪乳剂Intralipi(英特利匹特)?

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