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Rank: 1

发表于 2005-1-4 10:44:16 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


) ^* ]3 g1 |% B# g5 J/ m; a 9 R3 N% l! ~* R5 l0 c* T

1. 在线生物细胞学词典(英文)http://www.mblab.gla.ac.uk/dictionary/ : e$ ]5 d2 T! m2. 细胞生物学网址精选 (英文) http://medweb.533.net/bioweb.htm// ~2 H& t; K! p. @* Y 3. Current Opinion in Cell Biology 细胞生物学近论(英文)细胞生物学方面的所有 . Q# K7 r7 c% Q* I进展综述 http://www.bmn.com/1 A2 A9 K! r' Z3 e1 D3 y 4. Journal of Cell Biology细胞生物学期刊(英文)http://www.jcb.org/ or http://intl.jcb.org/) S; G, c0 R, H4 I* A' p) C 5. 生物医学年报(AnnualReviews in the Biomedical Sciences)(英文) http://biomedical.annualreviews.org/# L2 V( f6 l9 ]) ^2 t. m8 ~ 6. 中科院上海细胞生物学研究所 http://www.cell.ac.cn, N- l/ V% L8 J4 A5 d' W/ z 7. 遗传 http://chinainfo.gov.cn/periodical/yc/index.htm/. x+ f5 P1 k, t) M 8. 分子生物学实验方法大全[简体] http://biousa.hypermart.net/ ( s3 L& t' S& N8 ]3 ~( j搜集有各种分子生物学实验方法,还有中文分子生物学方法论坛。 / v3 a- B% Q+ V# d9. 细胞学(Cell)[英文] http://www.cell.com/ ) ~: u: {# ~) D' V 10. 细胞/分子生物学在线[英文] http://www.cellbio.com/recommend.html

9 q$ ~, E: F% ^. q- _" o , l5 K7 `6 I5 i) S4 p6 w4 n


4 |. U7 H: k7 m# p $ z3 r) q( G- O9 @& N

12.细胞生物学杂志 http://www.cjcb.org/

( ^$ S" V9 d% }: _% c+ P8 N 0 k- Z: B) J$ C/ P3 ~

13.中国细胞生物学学会 http://www.sibs.ac.cn/

+ F6 q, c& B9 v 2 S6 f* y: T T8 t- w

14.细胞生物学专业信息网 http://www.xa-cerec.com/

8 Z; {# q7 j$ t7 p, T1 v& a8 ]+ J ( C3 E8 W: [/ N9 v/ {% g


: y) O1 |+ o; J! Z: [7 d : l2 x6 r0 g4 q3 s# m

1. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology http://www.kumc.edu/biochemistry/( t4 {& G9 F) n2 y 2. Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology study http://www.biosci.utexas.edu/mcdb/ i' _1 ^5 E' y3. Plant Biology Courses http://www-plb.ucdavis.edu/courses/s00/index.html$ H3 Q/ V0 y8 d; Q 4. Genes and disease http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/disease/ 8 N$ R/ {) a$ h2 K g, \. T3 i. G5. Interactive Tour of the Cell http://library.thinkquest.org/3564/ 0 X) S4 y- X: @6 ^# w$ g/ e* d' ]6. Cellupedia http://library.thinkquest.org/C004535/# ]8 q, ^% ~, d- g 7.The Biology Project: Cell Biology , k8 ]/ p( b9 [& x http://www.biology.arizona.edu/cell_bio/cell_bio.html ' q( C: k' S! F# C8 z* k+ M8. Cell Biology: Microscopy, Kent State University F The Genetics of Angelman Syndrome http://chem-faculty.ucsd.edu/harvey/asgenetics2/indexsimple.html ' o1 W4 D* G- c+ Z5 m+ e9. Cell Biology Online http://www.uoguelph.ca/zoology/devobio/cellbio/cbindex.htm

# V( U4 N7 ?6 H2 Z! Z) Q% l; j / X3 U% Q& s* |2 j

General sites 9 C2 \+ r. s; @$ ?( B http://www.biology.arizona.edu/cell_bio/tutorials/cell_cycle/main.html / L& ~" t- V& E This site contains a brief, basic introduction; the cell cycle and mitosis subjects are separated; phase diagrams of cell cycle as well as the regulation of the cell cycle are shown. They relate this to cancer, and also talk about Cdk, MPf, and p53. There are some neat pictures describing mitosis, but the site over all is a bit too general. http://www.biology.arizona.edu/cell_bio gets you to a site with other connections. Rating: 3

( E( y* L% [+ d! O0 Z; W* X; K6 W: k; N

http://www.journals.asm.org/ 9 D6 Q! F! g# B This website is a general link to journal articles where one can obtain specific topics for an area of research interest. The site can be specific to molecular research and other biological/clinical fields. The more specific the field of research, the more technical the articles will be. There will probably be pictures that correspond to particular areas of interest. (5)

) j# J5 d( X5 ?5 }4 N1 a" o) ` w( t, I( ] 0 R7 \, X! E# G4 ?. J. |/ f

http://molecularmedicine.medscape.com/Home/Topics/MolecularMedicine/MolecularMedicine.html Y3 ^7 q3 y4 s4 O; P( `This website was obtained through www.medscape.com. The site focuses on molecular medicine. One would need to enter a specific topic in the search engine and research the archives under that particular topic. As you search for a specific topic, the information will become more technical. Also, this site has links to other molecular medicine web sites. (4)

. M: q0 q: B6 l+ b$ ]* L0 E : b& k; b% `0 I8 L1 v* s

http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/searchdatabases.html 4 K% H) d# L6 h, E. A) B+ TThis website is a general medline site with links to multiple topics. The site is organized by the National Library of Medicine. It can be specific to a particular topic. A search engine is present on the website to facilitate with retrieving specific topics. This website offers a basic overview.

8 Y% f2 ?1 `2 R: y/ U B$ K . Y; @( T, u! y2 n4 z/ E; o) \

Dictionary of Cell Biology: , {( W$ y0 g! Z# }" ]: d; J! h6 qhttp://www.bio.davidson.edu/Biology/kabernd/cb/www.mblab.gla.ac.uk/dictionary/%20www.mblab.gla.ac.uk/dictionary/ - E7 x9 P4 T* \* y5 W3 i A basic cell biology dictionary, this site can give you understandable definitions of key words and concepts related to the study of cell biology. For example: searching for "signal sequence" brings up a short explanation of the process, including reference to the topic "signal recognition particle".

$ ], F3 Q y [9 G, X + K2 y4 t- X h5 M. ]

Search Engine for Links to Scientific Papers + n5 r- W" d1 e3 {( _& chttp://www.healthgate.com/medline/search-medline.shtml 1 j# H1 v+ n8 p* Go to this site, then type "apoptosis" (or any other topic of interest) into the search engine

8 [1 |( U* I4 t; n# R * R4 `% k, z4 f% a, W/ x. G+ B4 f

Biological Membranes * {# k$ I" {3 p- }http://www.kumc.edu/biochemistry/bioc800/mem-lobj.htm . S5 A$ p! g! A0 X7 O4 Z6 JThis site contains a group of four lectures about the structure and function of the biological membrane. Each lecture has key bullet points that help the reader focus on the important areas. It also allows the reader to investigate the focus points further to get a more technical understanding of the general topics. This site % L: P6 l+ I1 u& D$ n" c& P2 ]1 O$ Iprovides good graphics that enhance the text. Rating: 5

: Q; ]6 L+ P% i+ G3 d0 O# Y, |3 I; z ; X p! v4 b) e/ l# X& P* W

http://cellbio.utmb.edu/cellbio/membrane.htm ! |: m4 g6 M: j. R7 s- J( ]/ `: XThis web page presents membrane structure and function on a general level using both real images from a microscope and computer diagrams. It asks questions and offers in-depth information. Each section begins with a question that is then answered. The site has key words scattered throughout the text that link to the more detailed explanations. At the end it has a couple of links that provide information on other topics related to membrane structure. Rating: 5

" m0 d7 T% J/ F' ^( a3 L, d+ m( m, E- ]* e* | p8 i% f

http://garnet.acns.fsu.edu/~bmm5733/bilayer.html , S( z0 t, j" Q5 CThis site focuses only on the phospholipid bilayer. It is relatively brief, but gives a good basic understanding of this topic. It also has helpful graphics. Rating: 3

% L3 G- ^, e5 A# Y 4 U+ R5 V2 B# p; ~$ P% w9 ?) o ~

http://members.tripod.com/obsil/membran.html 9 M) P5 q" {0 S9 c" P* C5 X This web page begins with a general overview of the biological membrane. It has both text and graphics. We like this site because it contains thorough information on the functions of membrane proteins. It describes how different proteins attach to the membrane. It is a limited site without many graphics. Rating: 3

7 ^: l$ w N5 j# [* [& Y , y! z& Z% ]; A! b# z" K

http://www.harlmen.com/cell4.htm % A; x5 \' p2 k/ [5 H# kThis is a small site, but it is completely different from any of the others. It describes what happens to the phospholipids and the membrane as aging occurs. It offers a nutritional approach to maintaining a healthy plasma membrane. Thus, it shows how the biological membrane fits into daily life through nutrition. Rating: 5

4 o4 G3 M; {1 S, d+ o6 d2 v & y, ?4 W! R+ a C2 s

Protein Synthesis % [- a9 V h' p http://www.accessexcellence.org/AB/GG/ 1 K9 t2 d: t1 }) J* N% j/ y This site has many detailed graphics on all aspects of protein synthesis and DNA replication. One can also find information on many other topics pertaining to viruses, genetics, cell division, etc. Our favorite site.

0 K$ I! F! Z f' f 0 g6 n7 H/ R/ f

http://wsrv.clas.virginia.edu/~rjh9u/dnaprot.html % g, I3 [8 C0 X' t$ h! OThe graphics on this site are very helpful in providing a better understanding of protein synthesis and related topics because they utilize movement. There is also a link for a tutorial on DNA structure, replication, transcription, and translation.

: l- V8 ^; v" }' E. @ 0 Z7 l/ A- q- p+ C( D; ?8 q. x

http://www.brooklyn.cuny.edu/bc/ahp/BioInfo/SD.TransTrans.HP.html : Y% J! ?' h8 U, T' Z A great step by step pictorial of translation is found on this site. It describes each component needed for translation. Has a brief description of transcription accompanied by colorful graphics.

+ {1 m, L4 V; {2 z" a. w, B& a( {7 `, k& n1 V

http://www.wkac.ac.uk/departments/bioscience/lec2.html 1 b) S: ^3 I4 l6 I% G$ H ` This website has a basic overview of DNA replication as well as protein synthesis. Very helpful in establishing a foundation for understanding the process of protein synthesis.

\+ K. R; E( i: w9 Z+ t I 0 ~8 W/ f- |! U; s

http://gened.emc.maricopa.edu/bio/bio181/biobk/biobookprotsyn.html r- i0 A0 ]: Q& D2 I Begins with an historical summary of how the "one gene one enzyme" theory was proposed. Has basic background information on hemoglobin, viruses, DNA replication, transcription, and translation. Also has a chart listing all of the codons for each amino acid.

, q. N, U( [2 D ) S& n t3 g- n1 e

Protein Targeting + a1 C9 j& \6 [http://www.bio.davidson.edu/Biology/kabernd/cb/www.biochemtech.uni-halle.de/PPS2/course/section4/transport.html " [4 E, K f. T" C) ]1 }* v' iOur top pick, this site is well informed and organized, even containing brilliant rasmol images to illustrate specific examples, as well as a good cartoon of the process of SRP aided translocation. It provides a good overview with some detail as well, including examples of signal sequences and even references. However, it is most thorough only in covering translocation and the fate of proteins assembled in the cytoplasm. In this way it does not provide the full picture of protein targeting that the * ~, [3 s4 j8 Y/ M g/ Ocambridge site delivers. This is a topic specific site. Rating: 4.5

: J, G7 F9 }% S" M: q% ]# {0 ~5 Y0 O( ^; z2 J9 ^

http://www.aerocareinc.com/~jkimball/BiologyPages/P/ProteinKinesis.html 7 i' I5 ^! ^& e% l) K Another very good site, this time with a colorful embedded figure. The information is slightly less detailed, but concisely presented in outline form, making easy going for the student seeking a broad but topic specific overview. A good feature is that key terms are hyperlinks to short explanations. Rating - 4

! v0 T9 Z# F. V8 B6 m, m+ t + p' E. n( b3 C

http://www.bio.cam.ac.uk/~sa232/tex/MVSTIA_4-8_Shy/ - y# u4 |4 I$ H3 _ Something of an overview site, students studying protein targeting will 6 s1 x1 l6 `6 |& H }find the following URL the most helpful: 3 X9 e; n. C# ahttp://www.bio.cam.ac.uk/~sa232/tex/MVSTIA_4-8_Shy/node8.html#SECTION00200000000000000000 7 k8 C P6 Q( ?( n( u' i: M 0000000000000 The site contains the lecture notes for a biology class and is very well organized conveying the information accurately and easily. Unfortunately, the figures seem not to work, at least not on all computers. It goes into a fair degree of detail while stopping short of experimental evidence. The site contains very thorough and extensive information on the topic of protein targeting, but not on other topics and is therefore not a good general information site. Rating - 4

+ i! _8 k3 A0 z4 V8 W$ x , c/ i5 r& E2 w9 V4 h5 r

www.molbio.princeton.edu/waters/research.html # L/ n4 i& {7 C( fThis site provides a highly technical report of current research done by a group at Princeton, covering specifically the process of targeting vesicles throughout the cell. It is a text only page with one hyperlinked and somewhat unhelpful figure. It is so specific to the topic as to cover only a small aspect of it - the targeting process for membrane associated and excreted proteins. Rating - 2

/ a& M5 E; q9 |% ^ ( z( \9 ^# `7 J6 ~

Intracellular Traffic " [! p! W! @) O3 T8 c9 a3 d$ ^http://www.nmsu.edu/~molbio/mcb520/lecture7.html ' [/ c' H* i' ]) P http://www.nmsu.edu/~molbio/mcb520/lecture8.html - o) I$ I9 b) j6 _" t1 ^& @Detailed description of devices cells use to separate and store substances (lecture7), and how a cell moves these substances (lecture8). These pages are very detailed and likely accurate, since they come from an academic institution. General: 3

4 ^; Z4 A; I9 S1 ] 2 w# D' o; \6 @6 N6 u! r% r

http://cellbio.utmb.edu/cellbio/recend.htm # }- O' L& w; D j% h) NSince cells often transport substances contained/protected by lipid layers, exo- and endocytosis are important mechanisms in intracellular transport. This site provides overviews, self-tests, and many images and links. Specifically, this page focuses on ligand-receptor mechanisms for triggering endocytosis. Specific: 4


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Rank: 1

 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-4 10:45:14 | 只看该作者

http://www.ktl.fi/bios/know/traffic.html ! G0 t$ j2 T& dThis site was produced by an individual working with intracellular transport mechanisms. This page is an introduction to the types of problems a cell faces when these transport pathways are not functioning properly. General:4

) d8 S! s; x; H0 e/ C

http://shubashi.physiology.rwth-aachen.de/bs/erys/shapes/ ) w. ]; N; k0 |( h3 oHere they present the results of vesicle shape calculations sorted by constraints on volume (v) and area difference (h). A well-made Java program. Very useful if you ever need to determine the shape a vesicle will take based on these parameters. Specific: 4

5 k+ L& w1 h" {( n" D

http://www.ultranet.com/%7ejkimball/BiologyPages/P/ProteinKinesis.html#rer % K w% f9 `( J; s5 Q A very comprehensive site discussing protein kinesis. Good illustrations, and several links to more related information. The author gives good credentials, and seems to be well organized. Specific (but linked to a General index): 5

7 P/ Y( ^' w$ B* b+ l) E" i$ A [

http://vl.bwh.harvard.edu/labs.shtml#membranes # n4 g* |4 y, t, M# g% e; S' Q This site provides a list of lab exercises that pertain to investigations into Membranes, Organelles and Vesicle Trafficking. Specific: 2

# {6 \3 ?. `0 \- m& w; h

http://dir.nichd.nih.gov/cbmb/pb1labob.html , \% [) F( g2 e, Q9 d0 y# f/ { Web summary of Nature, Volume 389, Pages 81-85 1997 that contains many quality animations (note: the movie player plug-in must be installed). Discusses experiments regarding the transport pathways of the Golgi apparatus. Specific: 3

& s, ~( q5 w$ A h* n0 n

Cell Scaffolding 7 ?4 C% C* Z5 Z! \# u) ] http://expmed.bwh.harvard.edu/ 4 @- t2 r/ n) U8 U1 O1 E4 J6 S This site summarizes research on actin at the Brigham and Women's Hospital. It has lots of information and some interesting movies about cell motility and its relation to the cytoskeleton. Rank: 4.

4 G G6 F0 O9 l, k2 g

http://gened.emc.maricopa.edu/bio/bio181/BIOBK/BioBookCELL2.html ) ~ h/ k# y( j3 A This is a portion of an online biology textbook. It contains very good cartoon illustrations of cellular scaffolding components and a description of their use in inter- and intracellular motility. Rank: 5.

3 [1 b$ f. g3 x# P3 m- ~

http://dir.nichd.nih.gov/CBMB/uobf3a.mov ! X, x7 b6 {- [& i5 p9 O This is a movie of vesicular traffic into the Golgi, visualized with Green Fluorescent Protein. Not much information about cellular ,scaffolding, but a nice way to visualize the intracellular motion made $ t9 _1 l: X+ E) L$ ~1 P) R possible by the scaffold. Rank: 2.

) a0 X; W4 T9 i+ q6 `7 [: o$ R

http://www.cbc.umn.edu/~mwd/cell_www/chapter2/skeleton.html # S2 h- y9 G4 [3 ?2 [9 n This site is currently incomplete/under construction, but it has some interesting facts about centrioles and actin. Further entries regarding other components of the cytoskeleton are presumably forthcoming. No images. Rank: 2.

6 N4 n9 W' c. v, i- D3 y5 d: W( N

http://web-mcb.agr.ehime-u.ac.jp/bunnshi/sec7.htm ( s) X- c6 z. F1 _8 m" n! oThis site provides an excellent summary of the unique features of cellular scaffolding in plant cells. No images. Rank: 4

; ~4 r0 M' `3 S' Y/ U

Molecular Motors ) P) |, J$ ^- h; Hhttp://www.sci.sdsu.edu/movies/actin_myosin_gif.html 0 R- H% Q6 O m" {+ Z+ E6 F Actin myosin crossbridge 3-D animation. The animation shows the need for one ATP to make the myosin complex "walk".

" T7 A# E, ?0 j M0 t& T # @1 V; p% u: o( k( ^2 } This site has a diagram showing how kinesin pulls "things" down the microtubule away from the cell in the negative to positive direction. Also, this site contains a link to more information on dynein.

" T3 T3 B: [8 I# q) U; A0 t

http://mc11.mcri.ac.uk/hypertour.html 2 P8 x/ N: y) K A very good site decribing the role of molecular motors. The site contains links to diagrams which further explain how molecular motors "walk" along the microtubules in order to pull chromosomes into position.

" x1 R; P! c( x$ u; s' u0 ~- u3 i

http://www.ascb.org/ascb/mbc/brochuretxt.htm / F! M' b; Y9 Y7 T/ W This site tells why molecular motors are so important to study. It also gives a detailed description of myosin versus kinesin, including various universities studying this topic.

$ |" t. v! U7 J6 V, s

http://pmi.princeton.edu/faculty/SMB.html # f. w j% I3 }- d7 G Dr. Steven M. Block discusses his research interests in molecular motors and ; ]/ `8 p9 \3 i6 f& K/ xwhy he feels it is important to study them. It also gives 3 reasons why a 8 C% A2 e" T) j. \1 @ motor mechanism is difficult to construct.

+ {& ~2 W) F, C! m- k

Intercellular signaling (Cell Signaling) : T0 E: n% |' T4 v0 g http://www.bio.nd.edu/biology/faculty/goetz.html , j4 a( r! \1 ] A very specific website that pertains to intercellular signaling. This website was developed by one author, Dr. Frederick W. Goetz, a professor at the University of Wyoming. Dr. Goetz is studying the mechanisms and hormonal regulation of ovulation in zebrafish. More specifically he is determining the genes responsible for mutations involved in oogenisis and spermatogenisis. There are images present. (5)

, g$ K) k: X% U! `7 `. f4 j* E

http://www.ummed.edu/pub/l/ldasso/ 0 A, @" x8 r" [$ c1 ^0 y9 z* DA website created by Dr. Leonardo Dasso of the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Included in this website is a specific, but brief, overview of Dr. Dasso韘 research on the function of Ca2+ and cAMP in intercellular signaling. More specifically, Dr. Dasso researched the role of Ca2+ and cAMP in increasing the beat frequency of cilia in epithelial cells. This website also has links to selected publications and other pertinent articles. (4)

3 a8 r2 m1 x' J+ F& Y

http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/dept/gsas/anatomy/cndb_it.html y k0 R# b- `% m0 R2 lThis website is a link to Dr. Richard H. Kessin of Columbia University. It can be found by double clicking Dr. Kessin韘 name in "Intercellular signaling." This is a specific website that can be a link to other articles written by this professor and other professors that deal with intercellular signaling. Dr. Kessin韘 website focuses on the evolution and mutagenisis of Dictyostelium discoidenum. Minimal pictures are present. (3)

& K' m& C. Z5 y5 _3 c

Intracellular Signaling (Receptors, 2nd messengers) ( @, k" N/ Y; H' ]; p% \http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Lab/1580/cdc42.html 2 m; T5 s: L v% { This site gives a very thorough and easy to understand view of Cdc42 (a G-protein) and its uses inside the cell. This site gave a simplified and clear presentation of the processes involving Cdc42. There are links along the way through the page to other pages that go into detail about G-proteins in general, cell cycle control, and other topics important for the understanding of the functions of Cdc42. This page also has several diagrams along with text to further the explanations of the topic, and at the bottom provides links to other material concerning cellular biology.

% D V" `# C3 l: h- l+ r4 r5 {; v

http://flybase.bio.indiana.edu:7088/.data/allied-data/interactive-fly/aignfam/camplern.htm , G. C9 l5 @) U; \! N! \6 iThis page contains links to webpages that discuss G-proteins, cAMP, and other cell related chemical reactions and proteins. This page is good as a resource for intracellular communication "techniques" used by cells and gives fairly lengthy overviews of what these proteins do, although most of this site is directed at the cAMP second messenger system process. Even though it lacks any diagrams, it is still a good site for written information.

3 `' k4 _& Q/ X$ b

www.bio.davidson.edu/biology/courses/immunology/flash/ip3.html - f6 P5 m6 `3 i! Q7 s2 U+ A& NThis site is operated by a Davidson Professor (Dr. Campbell) and portrays a step by step animated visual of an IP3 signal transduction pathway. This is the only visual that this site shows, however it is very helpful in understanding a basic intracellular communication technique in a very comprehensible manner.

' D" O; z) k1 i0 u

www.ariad.com/st_over.html . F* q8 w" k; S# R2 {; A* w6 n; lAriad, a pharmacological research company that explores "intracellular protein interactions that make up signal transduction pathways," has established this site. The company韘 focus is the creation of small molecule drugs that inhibit signal transduction pathways. We chose this as one of our top sites for its diagrams as well as its links to more specific information about the cell proteins it researches. , I& i% J+ T( [- l, B0 A) s5 J

& X; V: d; h7 N7 f D" D

http://www.clarke-inst.on.ca/research/cellular_communication.html . r) u8 _% u4 q' YThis site reveals the mission of Dr. Jerry Warsh as he attempts to elucidate the significance of intracellular signaling disturbances in manic depressive illness (bipolar disorders). This site describes the importance of calcium levels as cell signaling devices and G-proteins as surface membrane protectors. Though lacking diagrams and specifics of their research it presents an interesting explanation into symptomatic effects of errors in intracellular signaling processes.

- y2 c; c2 i- k* U- M) J# W

Protein Degradation 9 v# Z6 g0 o% \5 J$ r. ^! Xhttp://www.biochem.emory.edu/protdeg/lyso.html 6 f+ b3 o3 M' { a great overview of lysosomes--recent research on protein degradation accessible from here

1 `9 |+ z2 _, M/ A, a, t( k

http://www.mblab.gla.ac.uk/dictionary/ " C+ ?, t& D3 @, ?( F a great place to start a search on proteins and other topics-- provides links to tons of sites

5 g4 h. X6 M7 v, F$ H

http://www.biochem.emory.edu/protdeg/home.html / C- l! G" s) Y' m8 Zbasics of protein degradation: how, why then moves into to proteolytic systems

& [9 U/ v, d; m% t

http://www.ccc.nottingham.ac.uk/~mbzmail/students/ub/ubindex.html ; r! f, x$ @1 j1 v$ `0 c# ~good 3-D's of protolytic molecules great explanation of the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway

. d, z% Z: N4 F

http://www.bwh.harvard.edu/proteins.shtml `; P! @. A% a, b7 b4 q+ W& ngives links to other great sites on protein degradation

9 r! L2 }& j4 o1 J! ^9 c6 s$ I

Cell Cycle 1 Q9 i$ j S c/ h" p6 b/ Bhttp://lausd.k12.ca.us/~kmcmahon/AP%20Bio%20Lectures?Cell%20Division/Cell%20Cycle.html ' u, ?9 i: f1 j! ~Cycle.html % h* c4 Y) j- {. ], XThis site showed the phases of the cell cycle in a flow diagram, showed cell cycle variation (interesting); it also showed the difference between external and internal regulation utilizing diagrams. This site also 4 t1 u8 f) O4 l! @ V+ ^. Fdiscussed cancer implications. It has both images and animation, most specifically the mitosis picture). This site was good in that it broke down information to the basics, but there was not much specific information, but more on the general sense. Rating: 4

3 G( K: U ^6 l. h0 k C

http://www.ndsu.nodak.edu/instruct/mcclean/plsc431/cellcycle % |/ q6 U; B, ]0 h# I2 V% RThis site proved very interesting, showing the factors controlling the entrance into mitosis, further showing diagrams exhibiting this entrance. (gene --> protein --> function) It goes on to describe cancer. The only drawback was its specificity - this site was a bit too specific when wanting an overview on the cell cycle, since it concentrated more on the technical factors. Rating: 4

5 X! j- e; s. C- a- B

http://opbs.okstate.edu/~melcher/MG/MGW1/MG1331.html ( }/ u' Z. ^) R) E6 K8 u This site showed the unicycle/bicycle interpretations of the cell cycle, and also showed the basics of mitosis. It had nice, simple diagrams and links to other interesting sites. The animations of mitosis were pretty neat since they showed the cross over, but it was not extremely technical or too informative. - Z; `8 h" g% {0 f- n& _( PRating: 3.5

2 L" T9 J9 k- {/ t* |

http://clam.rutgers.edu/~arames/CELLCYCLE.html . m0 p. q( e5 ?" m4 t8 z+ uThis site showed an overview of the cell cycle, had great graphics to animation showing the transition from G1 to S to G2 to mitosis. It had great general information, but still was of a good caliber of learning, meaning that it was not too basic. It had a neat "supplementary guide" link which had a cute little quiz. Shannon and I liked this one the best. Rating: 5

% P+ X3 Z( ~8 c2 V4 [: P9 i

Virtual Biology: / x; O6 w7 ~6 p5 S( w: {& c* T, A x1 Nhttp://www.bio.davidson.edu/%20%20www.seoulin.co.kr/~virbio/index.html%20%20%20www.seoulin.co.kr/~virbio/index.html 7 I" `/ t' q0 q5 c2 K Really cool animation on the cell cycle, as well as other cell processes and structures. Easily accessed through the Davidson bio www links page.

6 `9 e6 F) ?, N$ v4 j! x

The Biology Project: * b' H4 D0 {. C0 e# p1 u: I1 _+ r3 ] http://www.bio.davidson.edu/Biology/kabernd/cb/www.biology.arizona.edu/cell_bio/tutorials/cell_cycle/cells1.html R! y( D% m( V# fThis site, established and updated by the University of Arizona, has a tutorial of the cell cycle, along with nice accompanying graphics. At the end of the tutorial is a challenging multiple choice quiz to test what you just learned.

+ w7 a3 T$ A/ a' w9 X# L

Cell Cycle Regulation: 3 `+ {: d/ q1 N# u) O! ~7 V9 b, Thttp://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Lab/1580/cycle.html 5 V Y* ~/ t. v. g5 {2 u This website provides a detailed description and images concerning cell cycle control and apoptosis. The overall objective of this site is to discuss cell homeostasis. The five sections of this site are "Rb Pathway", "p53 Pathway", "Pdc42", "Apoptosis", and "integrins".

! X3 P0 B3 b) [4 r% \7 j( v/ p m

The Forsburg Lab Pombe Pages: $ m# e' H' d4 A7 d) m( phttp://pingu.salk.edu/~forsburg/%20 ; {# r* y ]: v& }+ I" M This website discusses in detail the cell cycle and fission within yeast. The site has main segments discussing cell division and DNA replication using diagrams and figures for explanation. The structure and function of chromatids are also explained. 7 h! J0 c1 g* t& c( s: x8 l% T; h! c $ A$ x' V- W v. ]

$ Z) n- ^6 _9 ` X1 R

Apoptosis ' P' @! @+ r; e6 }# S Apoptosis Interest Group ! [9 P! [* E% ~9 y% b http://www.nih.gov/sigs/aig/index.html 7 N4 o% S4 I9 o+ T* Explanation of apoptosis * Information on Apoptosis Interest Group * List of research groups and their work

, t6 e0 q; @7 Q

Apoptosis Online 7 o4 U1 z% Y0 X7 R6 P9 l8 } http://www.apopnet.com/index.htm 1 U& u5 `) P: h1 C3 o* Apoptosis forum for posting questions, answers, etc. * Career information * Community Center with meeting schedules and grant information * Reference library

9 g- W: d+ O [3 C4 |5 B

J. Kimball's Apoptosis Page 8 q( ?& S8 N4 L" Q# [1 ^6 }" P% u http://www.ultranet.com/~jkimball/BiologyPages/A/Apoptosis.html , ~4 a% y2 X6 w) A: v0 ] * Outline of cell death * Explanation of why cells commit suicide * In-depth diagrams * Mechanisms of apoptosis * The role of apoptosis in cancer, AIDS, and organ transplants. This site has an easy to follow outline, good explanations, and also relates apoptosis to diseases, such as cancer and AIDS.

E) f' q6 |7 U, c/ B e

University of Maryland 4 w; e- z/ L U' n* H2 t http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/lab/1580/apoptosis.html K$ ~, ^/ j! G+ X+ t* Examples of programmed cell death * Diagrams

* ^* F0 r8 u* m- b' @4 k

Introduction to Apoptosis $ I# c u( E- W- k/ r' F* m7 ]% ^- g http://www.acs.ucalgary.ca/~browder/apo_intro.html & {% e1 @) S% M, Z* References * Description of apoptosis


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